Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Reflection Questions 152-156

152. I think that Elie Wiesel wrote the book so he can sort of get it off of his chest and to inform people about what happened and to make sure that it never happens again

153. He choose Night as the title because the whole time that he was in the camps it was very dark and scary and that's what usually night is so that's why he picked that title

154. Wiesel changes because he loses faith and hope in God, after all there things he saw and what had happened to him and the Jews he believes that no God would ever let that happen

155. What he dos is that he loses all hope and he only cares about himself only in the camp and no one else, he doesn't think about his mom, dad, or even his sisters

156. In Night mass killings are done, they kill them because of a certain race or religion. Its happening in many places today like in Kenya, Vietnam, Rwanda, Iraq, Cuba and many more places. Many of them are using the same things that Hitler did. The genocides in Africa are circumcising girls like Hitler did. Also think that a big national organization should be created that unites big countries together to tr and stop the genocides. I think that it should be called N.A.O.G (National Allies Of Genocide). I think that it should contain America, Russia, Germany and other big countries to help in the stop of genocide. That they should split them and put in certain places to help stop.

Rwanda- I compare it to the holocaust because they killed a certain type of race which was the Tutsi and in 100 days they killed 1,174,000 almost the same as the Germans

Burma- The genocide happened becuase of political power and that sort of happened because the goverment want ot show how strong they are

Congo- In Congo about an estimated 3 to 4 million killed and thats almost how many they killed in the Holocaust

North Korea- I compare it to that because they put them in prison camps and killed them their just like in the Holocaust

Armenia- This was right before World War II and Hitler got some of his ideas from that

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anne Franks Diary

Pg. 832

1. Not being able to move or to move queitly around or not being able to move because it get really annoyed and bored


(a) He finds Annes white glove and her diary

(b) It connects because it go's into detail and explains the things that are goingto happen in the story


(a) It means being able to be with their family and having a good time no matter what

(b) They show the sweet and thoughtful side of her

(c) They reacted like that because they didn't know that side of Anne and they liked the presents


(a) She proves because she is always thinking of things the other way and she is finding different out things


(a) The Nazis invade different parts of Europe and killing Jews

(b) They had to keep very queit and also not to ever be outside


(a) So it can show people they are a Jew and so people can always treat them badly

(b) They would send them to camps either to work or die and they did mass killings

7. Reveals Character and relationships: The things they say and do

Advances the action of the plot: How they keep at eachother

Develops the conflict: The thing one says

8. All of them show help and caring personalities but Mr. Van Daan only thinks about the food and himself

Pg. 870

1. What did you like best about Anne Fank? Would you like her as a freind?

I liked best about Anne Frank was that she had a sassy,caring, and kind personality. I would like her as a freind


(a) What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring one New Year's Day?

He says that a guy is asking for mre money and is blackmailing him

(b) What hint does this give of the ending of the play?

You can tell that the person will rat them out


(a) What is the time span of Act II?

About 9 monthes

(b) Have the characters changed since Act I?

Yes they have changed because they have changed how they think or what they do

(c) Hse has become more understanding and she has beome more sweet and kind


(a) How can Anne think that in spite of everything that people have good in them?

She beleives that because no matter what they do they are still human and they have family

(b) What does Mr. Frank mean when he says "she puts me to shame"?

He means that she had more hope than him and she was happier


(a) Mr. Van Daan stealing food: I caused a very big arguement and many yelling

(b) Mr. Frank's change of heart of wanting the Van Daan's to leave: It kept them and they became a bit more closer and they became stronger as a group

6. What were some causes for the attitude towards Anne and Peter's relationship?

She thought that they were doing something inappropriate and bad because she probably did that when she was younger

7. Causes of the secret Annex

1. Anne changes her actions and attitudes

2. Peter gets a freind who is Anne

3. Mr. Dussel shows his true colors

8. Character Action Motivation

Meip Bringing flowers To keep their hopes up

and cake

Mr. Van Daan Eating the food He was always hungry

at night

Peter Van Daan Became freinds with He liked the way she listened to him

Anne how sassy and nice she was

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About the Holocaust

1. Children were the most vulnerable of the Holocaust
2. About 1.5 million children were killed
3. Children died of starvation in the ghettos
4. Einsatzgruppen was a mobile killing unit
5. They followed the German army around
6. The army also suplied them with food and equipment
7. The unit would had a name for the burying they did which was called "sardine packet"
8. The unit only killed jewish men but they started killng women and children
9. They also had mobilized gas chambers
10. They needed a different way to kill without bullets
11. From 1933-1945 made about 20,000 camps
12. Holocaust means sacrafice by water in Greece
13. Chelmno was the first killing center to be opened in 1941 in Poland
14. The Nazis began to experiment with gas for mass killings in the late 1939
15. Over 400,000 jews were forced to live in Warsaw ghetto
16. Warsaw was one of the largest ghetto's
17. The Jewish were forced to wear a band with a star
18. The homosexuals were forced to were pink triangles
19. Ghettos were city districs
20. Their were 1,000 ghettos in Germany
21. The first ghetto was in in Poland
22. Soveit forces were the first to reach a major camp
23. in 1933 the Jewish population was over 9 million
24. Jews were one of the four targeted
25. The earliast victims were political members
26. They opened killing centers in Belzec
27. In Sobibor
28. Also in Treblinka
29. The largest was in Auschwitz-Biskenau
30. By 1943 it had four gas chambers
31. Majdanek was the sixth killing center
32. Children were killed first
33. They were also killed after birth
34. Children over 12 were put to work
35. They shot thousands of at the edge of ditches
36. About two thirds of jews were killed
37. When it ended six million Jews were killed
38. Hitler thought of him self as a deep thinker
39. They also targeted Gypseis
40. They were deported to Lodz ghetto
41. They also attacked Christian preists
42. The Holocaust was a type of genocide
43. Also Soviet citizens
44. And Soviet prisoners
45. Himmler was one of the generals helping
46. Hitler went to jail for a while
47. Hitler thought of all the ideas to do to people in jail
48. Hitler had a very weird relationship with his neice
49. Hitler commited suicide beofore they entered his bunker
50. The Holocaust ended in 1945

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel & Gretel

Mom: Those little runts, I have to work overtime and two jobs. I always go to sleep with an empty stomach because of them. I was sleeping at night and I thought about an idea to leave them and let them get lost and die. The problem is that I have to convince the father. I have to make it sound so that it will benefit us. I should give them some food so the father won't worry that much. I shouldn't give any to those little pieces of s***. I wake them up a night and I gave them bread and told them that we were getting wood. I leave them and I slowly walk away. I go home and creep in bed. While I'm sleeping I think about how good I'm going to be eating. I wake up in the morning and I see them there in their room. So I have to take them in deeper at night. When I wake up in the morning I'm filled with joy and happiness. I'm so happy that I get up and start dancing outside. I step on a a sharp rock and I get a really deep cut on my leg. I bandage it up but two days later it gets infected. I get gangrene and it spreads all over and I die.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

I wake up and I see that the moon has gone away hmm....I wonder what happened to it. Well I see that the sun came up. I wonder if any one can reach. But of course they'll probably get burned. And the stars I wonder if the stars can be reached but I don't care I have better things to do. It very cold out. I wonder if I could build a shelter of some sort. And after I'm done I'll probably go to walk and see if I see anything. As I'm walking around I see a girl...she keeps following me but I get to know her and she really is smart but she talks to mush and she doesn't listen. As I stand at her grave I think of how much she used to talk but I miss it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fable:The Blowfish and Cthulhu

The Cthulhu awoke from his slumber in his cave underwater. He swims around for a midnight snack and come across a Blowfish. He grabbed it and was about to eat it but the Blowfish screams out " Don't eat me I'm poisonous and its to strong for you, you'll die, wait till morning and there's better and meatier fish to eat". Cthulhu said " I don't care my stomach is strong enough and I'm much bigger". Then he eats the Blowfish. So as he's swimming towards his cave he gets a horrible pain in his stomach and he starts getting weaker and he dies.

"Don't underestimate the power of others"

Cthulhu (Ke-thoo-loo)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame and why?

If I had to blame it on someone it would be on the outcasts them selves. I would blame it on them because if they weren't so bad they wouldn't be in that situation. If Uncle Billy wasn't a drunk then he wouldn't have been kicked out. If John Oakhurst didn't gamble so much he wouldn't been kicked out or even tried to be executed. And if Duchess and Mother Shipton shouldn't been prostitute. So that's the reason why I think that it was their fault because they were in that situation and why they died.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of the Hour
I liked this story because it sort of showed a different type of freedom. I liked it because instead of doing the typical thing with the slavery, it took another approach and in the end it sort of made sense with her death. I think that she saw freedom in many different ways and she did not only think about slavery or another person being dominated. So I think that she put the freedom in a new way that people didn't really recognize or think about

The Blind Man
The story described a type of ablism. It is not as much done today but it would exist.

Desiree's Baby- It has many things rascism

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

What I saw was sad. I felt some what betrayal because I have given them this chance of being young once more and to fix their problems and they go to their old ways. it is like a smack in the face. but i notice the flower in my hand.I notice its dying. Now I know whats going to happen and I feel a sort of revenge and happiness. I start to see their faces and I laugh inside. I sort of feel good of my self.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desirees Baby Sequel

As he reads the note he dropped to his knees. He looks himself in the mirror and he can't even look at him self. He turns in the sickening sight of himself. Then he gathers all of his slaves outside. He tells them that they are all free and he lets them go. They are all suspicious and they do not believe him. He screams "Leave now...your all free....go inside and take what you want". After they all leave, which most of them go walking into the woods. He takes out his gun and points it to his head. Then Desiree comes in and sees him. She screams to him to not do it. he turns to her and he says "I'm sorry for your pain......I love you....be proud of your last name". Then he shoots himself in the head. She runs to him. Then she sees the letter. She reads it and then burns it. Then the owners of the other plantation rush over. They see his dead body and her. They accuse her of killing him and putting the gun in his hand. They grab her and get the police. She's accused of murder and letting imprisoned slaves go. She was put to death by hanging.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have can an opertion that would make you much smarter,would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary?Why or why not? Use example from the story.

No I would not like to do the surgery. The reason i would not like to do the surgery is that when I get smart I will love it. And I will very mush like it and it will help me but it will wear off and I will be clueless and it will mess my self up. One example is when Charlie starts to forget and not undrstanding . And that will mess me up and even hurt me.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious case of benjamin Button, Chapters 8- the end

Family- I think that the story message of family in the storie is that family is not always a tight thing. That you can still be a family but you don't really have to be together and close and also that no family is always perfect and even when a family has a problem its not always perfect if a family has a problem.

Age- In the story its message is that age is somewhat important to people and other people tend to think that its very important and that you depend on your appearence but on Benjamin eyes that it depends on your wisdom and expereince

Beauty- In the story most of the people say that its on the outside on how they look but through Benjamins eyes he thinks that its from the inside how you act and your personality. But some of the main characters mostly are about how Benjamin looks and how old he is.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

Predict three problems that Benjamin will encounter and give your solutions for each one

The first one I think that he will encounter is the problem with his wife. I think that he will meet another younger girl who is more attracting and he will probably leave his other wife. I think that the solution is that he should leave his other wife by divorcing her and finding a better and more exciting girl.

The second one is that he will encounter his old wifes father and he will probaly get in a fight with him. My solution for it is that he should leave the town with his other girl and live some where else.

The third one is that his current wife will see how he is getting younger and how she will freak out and leave. I think that he should try to explain to her whats going on and he should try to tell her how to deal with it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

I think that he should send him away for a while with hired people to take care of him and act as if he didn't have a child and he should try to have another one and visit him often and when he's young enough he should introduce him and his other son. Thats what I think is what he should do.

The Curios Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Benjamin Button?

Well first off I would pull myself together. I wouldn't go all crazy and screaming.

I would try to understand him and talk to him. I would surely not disown him and not keep him from other people. I would show him to people. I would buy many things for him to make him feel comfortable and I would talk to him alot and I would like to learn the things he knows and tell him what he doesn't know. But of course I would still be a bit freaked out but I would still try to understand him. I would also try to find help in diagnosing him. No matter if they think I'm crazy and I would find a doctor willing to help me and I would pay them alot. Thats what I would if I was Benjamin Button.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Its Brown, Black, Green and sometimes Yellow
It gets even harder for a constipated fellow
If you eat corn it comes out in the stool
Even baby's poop in the pool
If you eat something bad it goes right through you
And if its to fast it gets all over you
If your really sick its even white
And if your sleeping it may even come out at night
If you don't know what it is its all the things I've described
Its the # 2
And its called POO!

Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture worth a thousand words

Here I stand watching over my family. I still remember how I used to make the apple cider that they are drinking at their dinner. I still remember the wonderful taste of the chicken pot pie that wife used to make every Sunday. I miss them very much but I have passed on.
Blanca my favorite horse loves my wife's pot pie but it gives him bad gas. Its amazing how my smallest children Amy and Josh can see me but my wife Linda, her mother Lucy, and my son Jeremy can't see me. And the think that they have gone crazy since I had died.
Just so you know Jeremy is the one that's going at the pie like a butcher.
I love how my daughter offers me a piece and even a chair at the table but I'm a ghost and ghosts can't eat. My dog Hunter always wants some of the pot pie but last time we gave him some it was a big brown dirty mess and by that you know what I mean.
The bird house out side the window was something I made just hours before I had the accident. It was a gift for my wife, it was her birthday. My wife's mother Lucy loves to crave wood. She makes bowls, spoons, and forks for the family. My wife knits. As you can tell by the red yarn that was spun in to a little hat. Its red because thats my son Jeremys favorite color. Its his birthday today and my wife only makes pot pie on special occasions.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. When certain people try to make themselves get at attention by making look like they suffer

2. When people cut themselves! Its retarded!

3. I hate when people mimic me

4.When people exaggerate things

5. When people put horseradish on food

6. When people put a lot of mayonnaise on their sandwich

7. When my mother doesn't close the door when she's peeing

8. When guys be checking out my mom

9. When people smack my back

10. When a certain person replace th word b**** with beach

11. When people bring attention to me

12. When try to get into the crowd by saying soemthing thats not true

13. When people lie on how they can play an insturment and they really can't

14. When people tickle me

15. When people mess with my hair

16. I hate when people fart a walk away

17. I hate when brag about things

18. When people tell you their going to do something but they don't do it

19. When people brag about doing bad things but they don't do it

20. When people write on me

21. When people burp in my face

22. When people fart while I'm eating

23. When little kids keep asking me questions

24. When people talk during a movie

25. When people don't flush the toilet

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

I was m best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a very hard one to keep. It was one day that we were in his house. We are both 46 now. We've been friends since we were in diapers. We used to do everything together when we were younger. But ever since my little was found dead in the creek by our school, we some how lost contact with each other. Ever since it happened he changed he wouldn't hang out with me any more or even hang out with any body. I lost full contact of him when I moved. I heard that he dropped out of high school and hasn't gone since. So one day I get a call from a strange raspy voice. The stranger told me to go to a address. So when I get their I notice the house. It was his, I walk up the stares and knock. then I see a skinny grayed haired short man. He looks at me and then he invites me inside. We sit down on a couch and by a coffee table. He serves me tea. Then he takes out a picture. Its Jim my old friend. Then I look up at the man. Its him Jim. We both have tears in our eyes we hug. He begins to explain that ever since my little sister died he has taken it hard. But know he has been diagnosed with cancer and he only has two more weeks to live. So he says that he wants to include me in his will and I agree. But he says theirs one thing that he wanted to say and that was the main reason why he called me. So he pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath. He says that it was a late night and he was at a party. He says at the party he saw my little sister. But I stop him. I say "But that can't be possible...she was supposed to be with her friends studying". He says she must of fooled us because she was their with her friends. So he keeps going. He says that she walks up to him and grabs and starts kissing him. But he pushes her off. Then she said that she has been wanting him for a while. So she grabs him by the hand and takes him to a car and they drive off to a creek. Their they go skinny dipping. So their in the water and he tries to swim out of the water to sneak away.But she follows him. Then she grabs on to him and she wouldn't let go. He started to sink and he couldn't breath. So he grabs her by the neck and pushes her off. The she grabs him by the neck and starts choking him! So he grabs her from the and chokes her. But she starts laughing. So he chokes her harder. Then her eyes roll and she dies. He couldn't believe what he did so just left her body their. I look at him and he is in tears. I get up and leave. I call the police and I get him arrested. He agrees of what he did. He is sentenced to die by electric chair. It felt so good to see his eyes roll back and to him die.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to it. Hello, my name John Parker, I'm a 14 year veteran in the police detective apartment. My partner is also a 14 year veteran and his name is David Conning. Me and him go way back since we were ten year old. The worst thing is that the girl that died was our co-worker, Marian Moon. She was found in her bathroom. She was raped and beaten to death. She also had a slice on her lip from a knife. That means that her killing was linked some how to the Mr. Crowley murders. Before her 3 other people were murdered. A homosexual, a janitor, and a priest. The thing that me and my partner saw is that all of the men that were killed were sex offenders. The homosexual was found with his throat slit open and he was hung by his tie out of the window. And he had the slice on his lip from the knife and a note that had the name Mr. Crowley. The guy that was killed was a friend of ours. He would tell us when the next drug deal was going down and we would bust it. It turned out he molested 4 boys.

The janitor Ralph, a good friend of ours was found shot to death in the evidence room. He had the slice on his lip and the same note with the same name. It turned out he molested his granddaughter. And the priest was killed in the confessional. He was also shot to death and he was beaten and thrown into things. Then he was bent over one of the seats and the killer shoved a note inside of the anus of the priest. The priest had a reputation of molesting little boys. That sick bastard! my partner said. It turned out that the priest was friend of my partner David.
In the note it said that all the killings that he has done are to easy to get away with. He said that the evidence was right their in front of us. He said he will do something that can not be undone something that will haunt us. And he did he killed Marian. As I sit in my office I think about that name Mr. Crowley. I know its the name of a song of a song by Ozzy Osbourne and Randy Rhoads. Then I remembered that my partner David was a real big randy Rhoads fan...but it can't be him? Then he walks quietly with a gun, with a blank face. He grabs a chair and sits on it, while still staring at me. He takes out a piece of paper and puts it right next to me. He says "You know John theirs something that you don't know about me.......when I was about 9 I was molested by that piece of s*** priest that I killed. I remember that he sat me on his lap and he said he loved me." He stops and stares at me. He starts talking again "Don't you see what I've been doing...I get rid of evil sick souls...it was getting to easy for me....that's why I killed Marian.....and oh boy she was fun...and feisty" I remember when I walked in and that happy sweet face of hers. I just couldn't believe that she had such trust in me.....its funny I thought I trusted the priest...." Then he takes out the walkie talky and he starts yelling "Code Red" he says" Shots fired...police down!" Then he walks out the door and he starts shooting around the room. Then he turns around and he says "See you around!". Then he shoots himself in the head. From that day I still remember his sarcastic jokes and his favorite song....Mr. Crowley.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What will make the school better?

I think that the school could be better in three ways. To make school curricular more fun and a bit longer. To make different curricular classes. To make after school programs more fun. Those things would help the school a lot. Wouldn’t that make students want to come and stay?

The school can make the curricular classes more fun, a bit longer and a bit more creative to try new things. The classes will make kids more calm for the rest of the day. They will be more cheerful for the rest of the day. They will pass on the word of the classes to the other people outside of the school. Don’t you think that will give the school a reputation?

The school should make more curricular classes. It will give kids more experiences. They should have music class so students could try to learn an instrument. They can find out a hobby or instrument. Don’t you think that will help the students?

To make the after school programs better and more fun and energetic. Make them more physical. Make them more energetic. Also at the same time its educational. Won’t that make them want to go to it?

The school can make more students come because of these things. Make curricular classes more fun and a bit longer. They should come up with more curricular classes. To make after school programs more fun and energetic. But of course the school will have to spend a bit of money but the school should do fund raisers for the money and that would make the kids like it. Wouldn’t that make the kids love the school?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jonathan's Pacheco's Life Story

The day son was born was the most wonderful and frightening day of my life. While my wife was having him the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck. The doctor made the right choice to flip me inside and that untangled me. They also needed to use the forceps on him a little. When we brought him home he barley cried until one day he got severe stomach problems and he had them for three months and he would not stop crying nor he didn't want to eat. Later it went away and he was barley crying and he would play a lot. As the years past he was very happy and cheerful but one day when he was three he was jumping on the sofa and their was a wine glass on the floor next to me and then he jumped off by accident and he landed on it and cut his leg very badly. We took him to the hospital so they can clean and bandage the cuts. So he stayed at the hospital for a while then we took him back home and lied on the sofa and watched TV.

As more years passed and he got into school he would cry a lot when he was at school because he wanted to go back home. But around third he stopped crying. He was a very good student. As more years passed on he was very into karate and Bruce Lee. But he later on stopped liking it and started liking wrestling and he had everything about wrestling but he slao left that. Then he really got into skateboarding and Teck Decks but he also left that. But finally at the sixth grade he started taking guitar lessons and he fell in love with it he hasn't stopped since. He has been playing it now for 3 years. He is in the eigth grade now aand he is going to Linoln Park for highschool. And I will look forward to the rest of the years that I come to see before I die.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Things I want from Obama

The thing that I want from Barrack Obama is that he stops the war in Iraq and that he brings the troops back home. When I’m older and when I vote those are things that I want that Barrack Obama to do for America. The reason I want that is that I know friends and relatives that have people in Iraq and I have some relatives in Iraq. I have seen that it hurts the people that are here knowing that their friend or relative can die. It will probably stop all the violence and the people in Iraq won’t have to fight for anything. But the good things is that those men can get help for the things. That’s what I want for him to do, is to end the war and to bring my friends and relatives home. That’s what I want him to do.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

The life changing experience that I had was when my little sister was born. It was September 16 of 2003. The sad thing was that when she was born, she got the rota virus. It was sad and scary because they said that her kidneys could fail and get kidney failure. She was in the hospital for a couple weeks. But when she got out and came home, it became calm and quite. We got many things and I got to help my mom to bye the things at the baby store.

For the rest of the months I was really overpertective of her and taking care of her. I was also mbeing more carful around the house wht stuff I leave around or out and I was also always watching her.

Thats how I had a life changing experience because I was more careful after that since I have been more careful in the house.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I agree that parents are the best teachers for many reason. They can teach you what’s right and wrong. They have more experience than you. Also they can teach you how to take care of your self. Don’t you think that will benefit you in life?

My first reason is that your parents will tell you what’s right from wrong. When your little that’s when they tell you. They tell you when you make mistakes. They can tell how not to make those mistakes. Don’t you think that will help them make choices?

They have more experience than you. They can know what you are feeling. They can relate to it. They can tell you the experiences they have had so you can avoid them. Don’t you think that will keep them safe?

They can also teach you how to take care of your self. They can help you with hygiene. They can help you with relationships. The can show you how to impress and how to carry yourself. Don’t you think that will help them?

I think that parents are the best teachers. They teach what’s right from wrong. They have experience. They can show you how to take care of your self. Don’t you think that will help them in life?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill That Everyone Needs

I think that a skill that everyone needs is to learn is knowing Mathematics. I think that for many reasons.

My first reason is that you will encounter math many times in your life. Actually almost all time you will have something to do with math. The most important place that you will encounter math is your career or job and it will benefit you alot o you pass smoothly.

My second reason is that math is in eveything and if you know math then things will be easier even if its the basics of the math. Some things you do don't need math but mostly its not complicated.

Also my final third reason is that math is in many jobs and theres math in many jobs like the really good jobs probably require alot of math but not all. One example is my dads job. He works in imports and exports and he uses alot of math and some of it is very complicated but he loves math so he likes it.

Those are my three reasons why I think math is a important skill to learn and to know because it is used in almost everything.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

The day was perfect , it was my birthday, it was in the summer and it was a beautiful warm day. It was in the morning and I woke up and when I got to the kitchen, my parents told me to get dressed and that we were going to go eat breakfast somewhere. So we got to IHOP and I ordered my favorite thing....pancakes..with whip cream, bacon,hash brown,and a lemonade. After that we got to a pawnshop and I bought a guitar that I've been wanting and we knew the owner so we sort of got it a little bit off of the price. I also bought a amp to go with it and a cord. After that we went and picked up my cake and when I got home I went to the basement and played my guitar for like three hours then I got ready because some of my relatives were going to stop by. Some I haven't seen in a long time since I was little. They were there because they were visiting my great grandma and they decided to stop by to see me. They were all surprised to see me because they haven't seen me since I was little and they kept saying how big I have gotten. When they got their I got to open presents and got to eat chocolate cake(which is my favorite) and Oreo ice cream.

I also got a couple games for my PS2 and I played that the whole rest of the day. After that I stayed up watching TV and eating some left over cake. I stayed up till like 4:oo am on the computer also talking to friends and old friends that I haven't talked to in a while. Then I went to sleep. Also since it was my birthday my parents didn't mind that I stood up that late. That was probably the best day I have ever had because it went smoothly and comely.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is in my mind
This shows how I think at times
This is what I fear

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When I looked at her smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. I saw her dash out the room without the teacher seeing her. I made an excuse that I had to go to the bathroom, so the teacher could let me out of the room. I got out just in time to see her go into the janitors room. When I creaked the the door open a bit I saw her with some little 7th grader. They were filling up water balloons with some yellow liquid. The first thing that went to my mind was pee or apple juice. I heard her talking about dropping them from the balcony at the auditorium on the principle. So I went back down the hallway to the principles room. I told him what I saw. But he didn't believe because he said she was a straight A student with perfect attendance and there's no way that she would do that. So he gave me three hours of detention and sent me back to class.

So the time came when we were supposed to go to the auditorium where I saw her sneak away into the balcony staires. I followed her up and I saw that she was going to drop it directly on the principles head. Right before she was going to throw the first one I yelled at her. She turned around and said " I was expecting you to come....I saw you by the door when we where filling up the balloons....I knew you were going to try and stop me but your to late" then she threw all of the balloons down and ran of into the curtains. I caught one but it exploded in my hand (I was right it was pee) and like a dork I just stood there staring down at everyone and they were looking up at me and pointing at me. I look further down and saw the principle drenched in PEE!

When I got down I tried to explain that she did it but of course he didn't believe me. He gave me two weeks of suspension. And that's how I was known as the notorious PEE Bomber.

All right kids that's enough time for class, we got a bit sidetracked

Do pages 25-26 #1-10 in your Math book for homework

Now go to Reading Class

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

1. Meet Metallica and play with them

2. I want to own a JacksonRR5 guitar

3. I want to travel to Spain

4. To become a chemical engineer

5. To buy a skateboard

6. Go to a Metallica concert

7. To go to a Slayer concert

8. To skydive

9. To go to Loncoln Park for highschool

10. To go streaking in college

11. Be on a team in highschool

12. To go tol a Bears game

13. To go to a UFC fight

14. To read all theRotten Apple series

15. To go to a Third-world country at help there

16. To own a big house

17. To own a really nice car

18. To buy a GT-10 pedal

19. To be in the Lincoln Park performing arts program

20. To own a Lambergini

21. To meet Kerry King

22. To meet Kirk Hammet

23. To own a Ibanez Iceman

24. To own a Ibanez R2 Series

25. To make my own signature guitar