Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What will make the school better?

I think that the school could be better in three ways. To make school curricular more fun and a bit longer. To make different curricular classes. To make after school programs more fun. Those things would help the school a lot. Wouldn’t that make students want to come and stay?

The school can make the curricular classes more fun, a bit longer and a bit more creative to try new things. The classes will make kids more calm for the rest of the day. They will be more cheerful for the rest of the day. They will pass on the word of the classes to the other people outside of the school. Don’t you think that will give the school a reputation?

The school should make more curricular classes. It will give kids more experiences. They should have music class so students could try to learn an instrument. They can find out a hobby or instrument. Don’t you think that will help the students?

To make the after school programs better and more fun and energetic. Make them more physical. Make them more energetic. Also at the same time its educational. Won’t that make them want to go to it?

The school can make more students come because of these things. Make curricular classes more fun and a bit longer. They should come up with more curricular classes. To make after school programs more fun and energetic. But of course the school will have to spend a bit of money but the school should do fund raisers for the money and that would make the kids like it. Wouldn’t that make the kids love the school?

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