Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When I looked at her smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. I saw her dash out the room without the teacher seeing her. I made an excuse that I had to go to the bathroom, so the teacher could let me out of the room. I got out just in time to see her go into the janitors room. When I creaked the the door open a bit I saw her with some little 7th grader. They were filling up water balloons with some yellow liquid. The first thing that went to my mind was pee or apple juice. I heard her talking about dropping them from the balcony at the auditorium on the principle. So I went back down the hallway to the principles room. I told him what I saw. But he didn't believe because he said she was a straight A student with perfect attendance and there's no way that she would do that. So he gave me three hours of detention and sent me back to class.

So the time came when we were supposed to go to the auditorium where I saw her sneak away into the balcony staires. I followed her up and I saw that she was going to drop it directly on the principles head. Right before she was going to throw the first one I yelled at her. She turned around and said " I was expecting you to come....I saw you by the door when we where filling up the balloons....I knew you were going to try and stop me but your to late" then she threw all of the balloons down and ran of into the curtains. I caught one but it exploded in my hand (I was right it was pee) and like a dork I just stood there staring down at everyone and they were looking up at me and pointing at me. I look further down and saw the principle drenched in PEE!

When I got down I tried to explain that she did it but of course he didn't believe me. He gave me two weeks of suspension. And that's how I was known as the notorious PEE Bomber.

All right kids that's enough time for class, we got a bit sidetracked

Do pages 25-26 #1-10 in your Math book for homework

Now go to Reading Class

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