Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

The life changing experience that I had was when my little sister was born. It was September 16 of 2003. The sad thing was that when she was born, she got the rota virus. It was sad and scary because they said that her kidneys could fail and get kidney failure. She was in the hospital for a couple weeks. But when she got out and came home, it became calm and quite. We got many things and I got to help my mom to bye the things at the baby store.

For the rest of the months I was really overpertective of her and taking care of her. I was also mbeing more carful around the house wht stuff I leave around or out and I was also always watching her.

Thats how I had a life changing experience because I was more careful after that since I have been more careful in the house.

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