Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture worth a thousand words

Here I stand watching over my family. I still remember how I used to make the apple cider that they are drinking at their dinner. I still remember the wonderful taste of the chicken pot pie that wife used to make every Sunday. I miss them very much but I have passed on.
Blanca my favorite horse loves my wife's pot pie but it gives him bad gas. Its amazing how my smallest children Amy and Josh can see me but my wife Linda, her mother Lucy, and my son Jeremy can't see me. And the think that they have gone crazy since I had died.
Just so you know Jeremy is the one that's going at the pie like a butcher.
I love how my daughter offers me a piece and even a chair at the table but I'm a ghost and ghosts can't eat. My dog Hunter always wants some of the pot pie but last time we gave him some it was a big brown dirty mess and by that you know what I mean.
The bird house out side the window was something I made just hours before I had the accident. It was a gift for my wife, it was her birthday. My wife's mother Lucy loves to crave wood. She makes bowls, spoons, and forks for the family. My wife knits. As you can tell by the red yarn that was spun in to a little hat. Its red because thats my son Jeremys favorite color. Its his birthday today and my wife only makes pot pie on special occasions.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. When certain people try to make themselves get at attention by making look like they suffer

2. When people cut themselves! Its retarded!

3. I hate when people mimic me

4.When people exaggerate things

5. When people put horseradish on food

6. When people put a lot of mayonnaise on their sandwich

7. When my mother doesn't close the door when she's peeing

8. When guys be checking out my mom

9. When people smack my back

10. When a certain person replace th word b**** with beach

11. When people bring attention to me

12. When try to get into the crowd by saying soemthing thats not true

13. When people lie on how they can play an insturment and they really can't

14. When people tickle me

15. When people mess with my hair

16. I hate when people fart a walk away

17. I hate when brag about things

18. When people tell you their going to do something but they don't do it

19. When people brag about doing bad things but they don't do it

20. When people write on me

21. When people burp in my face

22. When people fart while I'm eating

23. When little kids keep asking me questions

24. When people talk during a movie

25. When people don't flush the toilet

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

I was m best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a very hard one to keep. It was one day that we were in his house. We are both 46 now. We've been friends since we were in diapers. We used to do everything together when we were younger. But ever since my little was found dead in the creek by our school, we some how lost contact with each other. Ever since it happened he changed he wouldn't hang out with me any more or even hang out with any body. I lost full contact of him when I moved. I heard that he dropped out of high school and hasn't gone since. So one day I get a call from a strange raspy voice. The stranger told me to go to a address. So when I get their I notice the house. It was his, I walk up the stares and knock. then I see a skinny grayed haired short man. He looks at me and then he invites me inside. We sit down on a couch and by a coffee table. He serves me tea. Then he takes out a picture. Its Jim my old friend. Then I look up at the man. Its him Jim. We both have tears in our eyes we hug. He begins to explain that ever since my little sister died he has taken it hard. But know he has been diagnosed with cancer and he only has two more weeks to live. So he says that he wants to include me in his will and I agree. But he says theirs one thing that he wanted to say and that was the main reason why he called me. So he pauses for a moment and takes a deep breath. He says that it was a late night and he was at a party. He says at the party he saw my little sister. But I stop him. I say "But that can't be possible...she was supposed to be with her friends studying". He says she must of fooled us because she was their with her friends. So he keeps going. He says that she walks up to him and grabs and starts kissing him. But he pushes her off. Then she said that she has been wanting him for a while. So she grabs him by the hand and takes him to a car and they drive off to a creek. Their they go skinny dipping. So their in the water and he tries to swim out of the water to sneak away.But she follows him. Then she grabs on to him and she wouldn't let go. He started to sink and he couldn't breath. So he grabs her by the neck and pushes her off. The she grabs him by the neck and starts choking him! So he grabs her from the and chokes her. But she starts laughing. So he chokes her harder. Then her eyes roll and she dies. He couldn't believe what he did so just left her body their. I look at him and he is in tears. I get up and leave. I call the police and I get him arrested. He agrees of what he did. He is sentenced to die by electric chair. It felt so good to see his eyes roll back and to him die.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to it. Hello, my name John Parker, I'm a 14 year veteran in the police detective apartment. My partner is also a 14 year veteran and his name is David Conning. Me and him go way back since we were ten year old. The worst thing is that the girl that died was our co-worker, Marian Moon. She was found in her bathroom. She was raped and beaten to death. She also had a slice on her lip from a knife. That means that her killing was linked some how to the Mr. Crowley murders. Before her 3 other people were murdered. A homosexual, a janitor, and a priest. The thing that me and my partner saw is that all of the men that were killed were sex offenders. The homosexual was found with his throat slit open and he was hung by his tie out of the window. And he had the slice on his lip from the knife and a note that had the name Mr. Crowley. The guy that was killed was a friend of ours. He would tell us when the next drug deal was going down and we would bust it. It turned out he molested 4 boys.

The janitor Ralph, a good friend of ours was found shot to death in the evidence room. He had the slice on his lip and the same note with the same name. It turned out he molested his granddaughter. And the priest was killed in the confessional. He was also shot to death and he was beaten and thrown into things. Then he was bent over one of the seats and the killer shoved a note inside of the anus of the priest. The priest had a reputation of molesting little boys. That sick bastard! my partner said. It turned out that the priest was friend of my partner David.
In the note it said that all the killings that he has done are to easy to get away with. He said that the evidence was right their in front of us. He said he will do something that can not be undone something that will haunt us. And he did he killed Marian. As I sit in my office I think about that name Mr. Crowley. I know its the name of a song of a song by Ozzy Osbourne and Randy Rhoads. Then I remembered that my partner David was a real big randy Rhoads fan...but it can't be him? Then he walks quietly with a gun, with a blank face. He grabs a chair and sits on it, while still staring at me. He takes out a piece of paper and puts it right next to me. He says "You know John theirs something that you don't know about me.......when I was about 9 I was molested by that piece of s*** priest that I killed. I remember that he sat me on his lap and he said he loved me." He stops and stares at me. He starts talking again "Don't you see what I've been doing...I get rid of evil sick was getting to easy for me....that's why I killed Marian.....and oh boy she was fun...and feisty" I remember when I walked in and that happy sweet face of hers. I just couldn't believe that she had such trust in me.....its funny I thought I trusted the priest...." Then he takes out the walkie talky and he starts yelling "Code Red" he says" Shots fired...police down!" Then he walks out the door and he starts shooting around the room. Then he turns around and he says "See you around!". Then he shoots himself in the head. From that day I still remember his sarcastic jokes and his favorite song....Mr. Crowley.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What will make the school better?

I think that the school could be better in three ways. To make school curricular more fun and a bit longer. To make different curricular classes. To make after school programs more fun. Those things would help the school a lot. Wouldn’t that make students want to come and stay?

The school can make the curricular classes more fun, a bit longer and a bit more creative to try new things. The classes will make kids more calm for the rest of the day. They will be more cheerful for the rest of the day. They will pass on the word of the classes to the other people outside of the school. Don’t you think that will give the school a reputation?

The school should make more curricular classes. It will give kids more experiences. They should have music class so students could try to learn an instrument. They can find out a hobby or instrument. Don’t you think that will help the students?

To make the after school programs better and more fun and energetic. Make them more physical. Make them more energetic. Also at the same time its educational. Won’t that make them want to go to it?

The school can make more students come because of these things. Make curricular classes more fun and a bit longer. They should come up with more curricular classes. To make after school programs more fun and energetic. But of course the school will have to spend a bit of money but the school should do fund raisers for the money and that would make the kids like it. Wouldn’t that make the kids love the school?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Jonathan's Pacheco's Life Story

The day son was born was the most wonderful and frightening day of my life. While my wife was having him the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck. The doctor made the right choice to flip me inside and that untangled me. They also needed to use the forceps on him a little. When we brought him home he barley cried until one day he got severe stomach problems and he had them for three months and he would not stop crying nor he didn't want to eat. Later it went away and he was barley crying and he would play a lot. As the years past he was very happy and cheerful but one day when he was three he was jumping on the sofa and their was a wine glass on the floor next to me and then he jumped off by accident and he landed on it and cut his leg very badly. We took him to the hospital so they can clean and bandage the cuts. So he stayed at the hospital for a while then we took him back home and lied on the sofa and watched TV.

As more years passed and he got into school he would cry a lot when he was at school because he wanted to go back home. But around third he stopped crying. He was a very good student. As more years passed on he was very into karate and Bruce Lee. But he later on stopped liking it and started liking wrestling and he had everything about wrestling but he slao left that. Then he really got into skateboarding and Teck Decks but he also left that. But finally at the sixth grade he started taking guitar lessons and he fell in love with it he hasn't stopped since. He has been playing it now for 3 years. He is in the eigth grade now aand he is going to Linoln Park for highschool. And I will look forward to the rest of the years that I come to see before I die.