Friday, February 27, 2009

Things I want from Obama

The thing that I want from Barrack Obama is that he stops the war in Iraq and that he brings the troops back home. When I’m older and when I vote those are things that I want that Barrack Obama to do for America. The reason I want that is that I know friends and relatives that have people in Iraq and I have some relatives in Iraq. I have seen that it hurts the people that are here knowing that their friend or relative can die. It will probably stop all the violence and the people in Iraq won’t have to fight for anything. But the good things is that those men can get help for the things. That’s what I want for him to do, is to end the war and to bring my friends and relatives home. That’s what I want him to do.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

The life changing experience that I had was when my little sister was born. It was September 16 of 2003. The sad thing was that when she was born, she got the rota virus. It was sad and scary because they said that her kidneys could fail and get kidney failure. She was in the hospital for a couple weeks. But when she got out and came home, it became calm and quite. We got many things and I got to help my mom to bye the things at the baby store.

For the rest of the months I was really overpertective of her and taking care of her. I was also mbeing more carful around the house wht stuff I leave around or out and I was also always watching her.

Thats how I had a life changing experience because I was more careful after that since I have been more careful in the house.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I agree that parents are the best teachers for many reason. They can teach you what’s right and wrong. They have more experience than you. Also they can teach you how to take care of your self. Don’t you think that will benefit you in life?

My first reason is that your parents will tell you what’s right from wrong. When your little that’s when they tell you. They tell you when you make mistakes. They can tell how not to make those mistakes. Don’t you think that will help them make choices?

They have more experience than you. They can know what you are feeling. They can relate to it. They can tell you the experiences they have had so you can avoid them. Don’t you think that will keep them safe?

They can also teach you how to take care of your self. They can help you with hygiene. They can help you with relationships. The can show you how to impress and how to carry yourself. Don’t you think that will help them?

I think that parents are the best teachers. They teach what’s right from wrong. They have experience. They can show you how to take care of your self. Don’t you think that will help them in life?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill That Everyone Needs

I think that a skill that everyone needs is to learn is knowing Mathematics. I think that for many reasons.

My first reason is that you will encounter math many times in your life. Actually almost all time you will have something to do with math. The most important place that you will encounter math is your career or job and it will benefit you alot o you pass smoothly.

My second reason is that math is in eveything and if you know math then things will be easier even if its the basics of the math. Some things you do don't need math but mostly its not complicated.

Also my final third reason is that math is in many jobs and theres math in many jobs like the really good jobs probably require alot of math but not all. One example is my dads job. He works in imports and exports and he uses alot of math and some of it is very complicated but he loves math so he likes it.

Those are my three reasons why I think math is a important skill to learn and to know because it is used in almost everything.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

The day was perfect , it was my birthday, it was in the summer and it was a beautiful warm day. It was in the morning and I woke up and when I got to the kitchen, my parents told me to get dressed and that we were going to go eat breakfast somewhere. So we got to IHOP and I ordered my favorite thing....pancakes..with whip cream, bacon,hash brown,and a lemonade. After that we got to a pawnshop and I bought a guitar that I've been wanting and we knew the owner so we sort of got it a little bit off of the price. I also bought a amp to go with it and a cord. After that we went and picked up my cake and when I got home I went to the basement and played my guitar for like three hours then I got ready because some of my relatives were going to stop by. Some I haven't seen in a long time since I was little. They were there because they were visiting my great grandma and they decided to stop by to see me. They were all surprised to see me because they haven't seen me since I was little and they kept saying how big I have gotten. When they got their I got to open presents and got to eat chocolate cake(which is my favorite) and Oreo ice cream.

I also got a couple games for my PS2 and I played that the whole rest of the day. After that I stayed up watching TV and eating some left over cake. I stayed up till like 4:oo am on the computer also talking to friends and old friends that I haven't talked to in a while. Then I went to sleep. Also since it was my birthday my parents didn't mind that I stood up that late. That was probably the best day I have ever had because it went smoothly and comely.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is in my mind
This shows how I think at times
This is what I fear

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When I looked at her smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. I saw her dash out the room without the teacher seeing her. I made an excuse that I had to go to the bathroom, so the teacher could let me out of the room. I got out just in time to see her go into the janitors room. When I creaked the the door open a bit I saw her with some little 7th grader. They were filling up water balloons with some yellow liquid. The first thing that went to my mind was pee or apple juice. I heard her talking about dropping them from the balcony at the auditorium on the principle. So I went back down the hallway to the principles room. I told him what I saw. But he didn't believe because he said she was a straight A student with perfect attendance and there's no way that she would do that. So he gave me three hours of detention and sent me back to class.

So the time came when we were supposed to go to the auditorium where I saw her sneak away into the balcony staires. I followed her up and I saw that she was going to drop it directly on the principles head. Right before she was going to throw the first one I yelled at her. She turned around and said " I was expecting you to come....I saw you by the door when we where filling up the balloons....I knew you were going to try and stop me but your to late" then she threw all of the balloons down and ran of into the curtains. I caught one but it exploded in my hand (I was right it was pee) and like a dork I just stood there staring down at everyone and they were looking up at me and pointing at me. I look further down and saw the principle drenched in PEE!

When I got down I tried to explain that she did it but of course he didn't believe me. He gave me two weeks of suspension. And that's how I was known as the notorious PEE Bomber.

All right kids that's enough time for class, we got a bit sidetracked

Do pages 25-26 #1-10 in your Math book for homework

Now go to Reading Class

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

1. Meet Metallica and play with them

2. I want to own a JacksonRR5 guitar

3. I want to travel to Spain

4. To become a chemical engineer

5. To buy a skateboard

6. Go to a Metallica concert

7. To go to a Slayer concert

8. To skydive

9. To go to Loncoln Park for highschool

10. To go streaking in college

11. Be on a team in highschool

12. To go tol a Bears game

13. To go to a UFC fight

14. To read all theRotten Apple series

15. To go to a Third-world country at help there

16. To own a big house

17. To own a really nice car

18. To buy a GT-10 pedal

19. To be in the Lincoln Park performing arts program

20. To own a Lambergini

21. To meet Kerry King

22. To meet Kirk Hammet

23. To own a Ibanez Iceman

24. To own a Ibanez R2 Series

25. To make my own signature guitar