Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcasts of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame and why?

If I had to blame it on someone it would be on the outcasts them selves. I would blame it on them because if they weren't so bad they wouldn't be in that situation. If Uncle Billy wasn't a drunk then he wouldn't have been kicked out. If John Oakhurst didn't gamble so much he wouldn't been kicked out or even tried to be executed. And if Duchess and Mother Shipton shouldn't been prostitute. So that's the reason why I think that it was their fault because they were in that situation and why they died.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The Story of the Hour
I liked this story because it sort of showed a different type of freedom. I liked it because instead of doing the typical thing with the slavery, it took another approach and in the end it sort of made sense with her death. I think that she saw freedom in many different ways and she did not only think about slavery or another person being dominated. So I think that she put the freedom in a new way that people didn't really recognize or think about

The Blind Man
The story described a type of ablism. It is not as much done today but it would exist.

Desiree's Baby- It has many things rascism

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

What I saw was sad. I felt some what betrayal because I have given them this chance of being young once more and to fix their problems and they go to their old ways. it is like a smack in the face. but i notice the flower in my hand.I notice its dying. Now I know whats going to happen and I feel a sort of revenge and happiness. I start to see their faces and I laugh inside. I sort of feel good of my self.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desirees Baby Sequel

As he reads the note he dropped to his knees. He looks himself in the mirror and he can't even look at him self. He turns in the sickening sight of himself. Then he gathers all of his slaves outside. He tells them that they are all free and he lets them go. They are all suspicious and they do not believe him. He screams "Leave now...your all free....go inside and take what you want". After they all leave, which most of them go walking into the woods. He takes out his gun and points it to his head. Then Desiree comes in and sees him. She screams to him to not do it. he turns to her and he says "I'm sorry for your pain......I love proud of your last name". Then he shoots himself in the head. She runs to him. Then she sees the letter. She reads it and then burns it. Then the owners of the other plantation rush over. They see his dead body and her. They accuse her of killing him and putting the gun in his hand. They grab her and get the police. She's accused of murder and letting imprisoned slaves go. She was put to death by hanging.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have can an opertion that would make you much smarter,would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary?Why or why not? Use example from the story.

No I would not like to do the surgery. The reason i would not like to do the surgery is that when I get smart I will love it. And I will very mush like it and it will help me but it will wear off and I will be clueless and it will mess my self up. One example is when Charlie starts to forget and not undrstanding . And that will mess me up and even hurt me.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious case of benjamin Button, Chapters 8- the end

Family- I think that the story message of family in the storie is that family is not always a tight thing. That you can still be a family but you don't really have to be together and close and also that no family is always perfect and even when a family has a problem its not always perfect if a family has a problem.

Age- In the story its message is that age is somewhat important to people and other people tend to think that its very important and that you depend on your appearence but on Benjamin eyes that it depends on your wisdom and expereince

Beauty- In the story most of the people say that its on the outside on how they look but through Benjamins eyes he thinks that its from the inside how you act and your personality. But some of the main characters mostly are about how Benjamin looks and how old he is.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of benjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

Predict three problems that Benjamin will encounter and give your solutions for each one

The first one I think that he will encounter is the problem with his wife. I think that he will meet another younger girl who is more attracting and he will probably leave his other wife. I think that the solution is that he should leave his other wife by divorcing her and finding a better and more exciting girl.

The second one is that he will encounter his old wifes father and he will probaly get in a fight with him. My solution for it is that he should leave the town with his other girl and live some where else.

The third one is that his current wife will see how he is getting younger and how she will freak out and leave. I think that he should try to explain to her whats going on and he should try to tell her how to deal with it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say. What should he do?

I think that he should send him away for a while with hired people to take care of him and act as if he didn't have a child and he should try to have another one and visit him often and when he's young enough he should introduce him and his other son. Thats what I think is what he should do.

The Curios Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Benjamin Button?

Well first off I would pull myself together. I wouldn't go all crazy and screaming.

I would try to understand him and talk to him. I would surely not disown him and not keep him from other people. I would show him to people. I would buy many things for him to make him feel comfortable and I would talk to him alot and I would like to learn the things he knows and tell him what he doesn't know. But of course I would still be a bit freaked out but I would still try to understand him. I would also try to find help in diagnosing him. No matter if they think I'm crazy and I would find a doctor willing to help me and I would pay them alot. Thats what I would if I was Benjamin Button.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Its Brown, Black, Green and sometimes Yellow
It gets even harder for a constipated fellow
If you eat corn it comes out in the stool
Even baby's poop in the pool
If you eat something bad it goes right through you
And if its to fast it gets all over you
If your really sick its even white
And if your sleeping it may even come out at night
If you don't know what it is its all the things I've described
Its the # 2
And its called POO!