Friday, May 1, 2009

Fable:The Blowfish and Cthulhu

The Cthulhu awoke from his slumber in his cave underwater. He swims around for a midnight snack and come across a Blowfish. He grabbed it and was about to eat it but the Blowfish screams out " Don't eat me I'm poisonous and its to strong for you, you'll die, wait till morning and there's better and meatier fish to eat". Cthulhu said " I don't care my stomach is strong enough and I'm much bigger". Then he eats the Blowfish. So as he's swimming towards his cave he gets a horrible pain in his stomach and he starts getting weaker and he dies.

"Don't underestimate the power of others"

Cthulhu (Ke-thoo-loo)