Monday, May 18, 2009

Anne Franks Diary

Pg. 832

1. Not being able to move or to move queitly around or not being able to move because it get really annoyed and bored


(a) He finds Annes white glove and her diary

(b) It connects because it go's into detail and explains the things that are goingto happen in the story


(a) It means being able to be with their family and having a good time no matter what

(b) They show the sweet and thoughtful side of her

(c) They reacted like that because they didn't know that side of Anne and they liked the presents


(a) She proves because she is always thinking of things the other way and she is finding different out things


(a) The Nazis invade different parts of Europe and killing Jews

(b) They had to keep very queit and also not to ever be outside


(a) So it can show people they are a Jew and so people can always treat them badly

(b) They would send them to camps either to work or die and they did mass killings

7. Reveals Character and relationships: The things they say and do

Advances the action of the plot: How they keep at eachother

Develops the conflict: The thing one says

8. All of them show help and caring personalities but Mr. Van Daan only thinks about the food and himself

Pg. 870

1. What did you like best about Anne Fank? Would you like her as a freind?

I liked best about Anne Frank was that she had a sassy,caring, and kind personality. I would like her as a freind


(a) What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring one New Year's Day?

He says that a guy is asking for mre money and is blackmailing him

(b) What hint does this give of the ending of the play?

You can tell that the person will rat them out


(a) What is the time span of Act II?

About 9 monthes

(b) Have the characters changed since Act I?

Yes they have changed because they have changed how they think or what they do

(c) Hse has become more understanding and she has beome more sweet and kind


(a) How can Anne think that in spite of everything that people have good in them?

She beleives that because no matter what they do they are still human and they have family

(b) What does Mr. Frank mean when he says "she puts me to shame"?

He means that she had more hope than him and she was happier


(a) Mr. Van Daan stealing food: I caused a very big arguement and many yelling

(b) Mr. Frank's change of heart of wanting the Van Daan's to leave: It kept them and they became a bit more closer and they became stronger as a group

6. What were some causes for the attitude towards Anne and Peter's relationship?

She thought that they were doing something inappropriate and bad because she probably did that when she was younger

7. Causes of the secret Annex

1. Anne changes her actions and attitudes

2. Peter gets a freind who is Anne

3. Mr. Dussel shows his true colors

8. Character Action Motivation

Meip Bringing flowers To keep their hopes up

and cake

Mr. Van Daan Eating the food He was always hungry

at night

Peter Van Daan Became freinds with He liked the way she listened to him

Anne how sassy and nice she was

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About the Holocaust

1. Children were the most vulnerable of the Holocaust
2. About 1.5 million children were killed
3. Children died of starvation in the ghettos
4. Einsatzgruppen was a mobile killing unit
5. They followed the German army around
6. The army also suplied them with food and equipment
7. The unit would had a name for the burying they did which was called "sardine packet"
8. The unit only killed jewish men but they started killng women and children
9. They also had mobilized gas chambers
10. They needed a different way to kill without bullets
11. From 1933-1945 made about 20,000 camps
12. Holocaust means sacrafice by water in Greece
13. Chelmno was the first killing center to be opened in 1941 in Poland
14. The Nazis began to experiment with gas for mass killings in the late 1939
15. Over 400,000 jews were forced to live in Warsaw ghetto
16. Warsaw was one of the largest ghetto's
17. The Jewish were forced to wear a band with a star
18. The homosexuals were forced to were pink triangles
19. Ghettos were city districs
20. Their were 1,000 ghettos in Germany
21. The first ghetto was in in Poland
22. Soveit forces were the first to reach a major camp
23. in 1933 the Jewish population was over 9 million
24. Jews were one of the four targeted
25. The earliast victims were political members
26. They opened killing centers in Belzec
27. In Sobibor
28. Also in Treblinka
29. The largest was in Auschwitz-Biskenau
30. By 1943 it had four gas chambers
31. Majdanek was the sixth killing center
32. Children were killed first
33. They were also killed after birth
34. Children over 12 were put to work
35. They shot thousands of at the edge of ditches
36. About two thirds of jews were killed
37. When it ended six million Jews were killed
38. Hitler thought of him self as a deep thinker
39. They also targeted Gypseis
40. They were deported to Lodz ghetto
41. They also attacked Christian preists
42. The Holocaust was a type of genocide
43. Also Soviet citizens
44. And Soviet prisoners
45. Himmler was one of the generals helping
46. Hitler went to jail for a while
47. Hitler thought of all the ideas to do to people in jail
48. Hitler had a very weird relationship with his neice
49. Hitler commited suicide beofore they entered his bunker
50. The Holocaust ended in 1945

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel & Gretel

Mom: Those little runts, I have to work overtime and two jobs. I always go to sleep with an empty stomach because of them. I was sleeping at night and I thought about an idea to leave them and let them get lost and die. The problem is that I have to convince the father. I have to make it sound so that it will benefit us. I should give them some food so the father won't worry that much. I shouldn't give any to those little pieces of s***. I wake them up a night and I gave them bread and told them that we were getting wood. I leave them and I slowly walk away. I go home and creep in bed. While I'm sleeping I think about how good I'm going to be eating. I wake up in the morning and I see them there in their room. So I have to take them in deeper at night. When I wake up in the morning I'm filled with joy and happiness. I'm so happy that I get up and start dancing outside. I step on a a sharp rock and I get a really deep cut on my leg. I bandage it up but two days later it gets infected. I get gangrene and it spreads all over and I die.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

I wake up and I see that the moon has gone away hmm....I wonder what happened to it. Well I see that the sun came up. I wonder if any one can reach. But of course they'll probably get burned. And the stars I wonder if the stars can be reached but I don't care I have better things to do. It very cold out. I wonder if I could build a shelter of some sort. And after I'm done I'll probably go to walk and see if I see anything. As I'm walking around I see a girl...she keeps following me but I get to know her and she really is smart but she talks to mush and she doesn't listen. As I stand at her grave I think of how much she used to talk but I miss it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fable:The Blowfish and Cthulhu

The Cthulhu awoke from his slumber in his cave underwater. He swims around for a midnight snack and come across a Blowfish. He grabbed it and was about to eat it but the Blowfish screams out " Don't eat me I'm poisonous and its to strong for you, you'll die, wait till morning and there's better and meatier fish to eat". Cthulhu said " I don't care my stomach is strong enough and I'm much bigger". Then he eats the Blowfish. So as he's swimming towards his cave he gets a horrible pain in his stomach and he starts getting weaker and he dies.

"Don't underestimate the power of others"

Cthulhu (Ke-thoo-loo)